Teamster Political Action Is Essential To A Strong Future For Michigan Working Families By Bill Black, Teamsters Joint Council #43 D.R.I.V.E. Director We talk all the time about the importance of political action, and what it means to our jobs, our union, our freedoms and our future. The power of your vote can make a difference and even change history. The key is for each of us to register, get informed about the issues and candidates, and then VOTE on election day. Michigan has always been, and will remain, an essential political state, especially in national elections. However, we must not forget that local elections and ballot initiatives are also very important, as those we elect to local and state offices have the most direct impact on our lives everyday. This is why we stress the importance of grassroots political activism, and why we encourage our members to get involved in their local communities. Michigan Teamsters, indeed all working families, cannot afford to do nothing and just let others make political decisions for us. The people we elect to public office are the ones who determine, through their debates and votes, whether government works for the people or wealthy corporations. The people we elect to public office set the agenda — and it is up to us to make sure we elect men and women with an agenda that puts working families first. 2014 will be a very busy year as every office is up for election. We will be electing a U.S. Senate to replace retiring Senator Carl Levin and we will be electing all 14 members of our U.S. Congressional delegation. We will be deciding who will become our next Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. Statewide, all 110 Michigan House of Representative seats are up for election as are all 38 State Senate seats. When you combine these with the many local elections you can see why we are getting ready now for the busy months to come. We cannot underestimate the power of our vote and of our determination to be politically active. Our Local Unions are getting ready for their own political action program, focusing on issues and candidates in their respective areas. I encourage all Michigan Teamsters to get involved because the outcome of these elections will determine the fate for middle class workers for decades to come. Yes, it is that important. Remember, your vote can make a difference!
Page Last Updated: Oct 12, 2023 (12:15:06)